STUDIO AMATI ARCHITETTI is an architecture and engineering company active for over 50 years old, offering all professional services, from design to supervision, monitoring and control activities for the implementation of complex building interventions and with particular experience in the redevelopment and conversion sector of urban areas, also with a tourist vocation.
Studio Amati is based in Rome and operates throughout the national territory and abroad, both in the public and private sectors.
Winner of competitions, prizes and awards at national and international level, the Firm has designed and built important works, in particular buildings for tertiary activities, industrial, cultural and social buildings and reconversion / redevelopment interventions on an urban scale.
In particular, he is currently involved in projects and construction sites for tertiary and industrial activities with a high technological content, especially in the aeronautical field. Activities in the health, airport, hospitality and cultural sectors (museums, universities, academies and schools) are rapidly developing.
It has several ongoing projects focused on the application of design to innovative technologies, in terms of “humanization”: smart grids, smart offices, health systems.
Studio Amati is today a professional reality coordinated by the three partners, the architects Giuseppe Losurdo, Romina Sambucci and Francesco Abbati, who have been working together in the studio for over 20 years.
The studio strongly believes in teamwork and in the complementarity of specialized skills that interact in the realization of architectural works, in all phases of the design and executive process.
The activity is carried out by a large and multidisciplinary group of professionals who work with passion and competence, according to a common working philosophy: the search for full integration between the aesthetic, technical and functional aspects of the project, alongside the experimentation of advanced technologies for the best executive quality and environmental and economic sustainability.
The different specialist skills of the various professionals are shared, according to the formula of team work, allowing us to offer the customer a range efficient and versatile of services.
Studio Amati is an ISO 9001: 2015 certified company since 2001.
It has recently obtained the Certificate for Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems in accordance with the ISO 45001: 2018 Standards and the UNI / PdR 74: 2019 BIM Management System Certification (SGBIM), thus achieving an Integrated Management System that ensures the efficiency of the planning, design, production, operation and potential decommissioning processes for both traditional and BIM interventions.
Politica del Sistema Gestione Integrato
Partner and Chief Technical Officer
Boasts more than twenty years of experience in the field of coordination activities gained over many works followed on behalf of Studio Amati.
He is specialized in integrated design of industrial and service buildings as well as restoration works. Led significant projects – from urban scale to building design – always operating from the standpoint of environmental sustainability, technical feasibility of the constructions and experimentation with innovative formulas for public-private cooperation (project financing).
He is head of the Tender department.
She has a solid experience in costruction and safety management gained in over twenty years of activity within Studio Amati Architetti.
She has completed works of considerable complexity in terms of size and budget throughout Italy, thanks to a great capacity of coordinating professionals involved in the team of the construction management and safety office, his determination in solving emerging problems on site and a special attitude for managing accounting and contractual aspects at runtime.
She is still following the biggest projects and construction sites of the firm in Italy and abroad, coordinating a team of highly qualified professionals.
She is also head of the company’s financial department.
Partner and Chief Technical Officer
He has gained extensive experience in project management as well as health and safety management following a wide range of assignments on behalf of Studio Amati for public and private clients, in Italy and abroad.
He is specialized in the field of aerospace and military industry, following complex building sites with special requirements in terms of time schedule, interfering processes and confidentiality.
He is also head of the BIM department of the firm.
Gianluca Abbati
surveyor - technical and construction management area manager
Harikrishnan Anandakrishnan
architect - designer
Gianmarco Baire
architect - safety inspector
Daniela Barlotti
architect - BIM designer
Lorenzo Brescia
surveyor - construction management assistant
Daniela Buttaro
architect - design
Davide Calabrò
Bim coordinator - design manager
Federica Calderari
architect - BIM designer
Giulio Carapacchio
architect - design manager
Silvia Cori
architect - design manager
Martina Cuccari
architect - BIM area manager
Davide De Cecco
engineer - design manager
Veronica De Filippi
architect - construction management assistant
Stefania De Meis
engineer - construction management manager
Michela Di Cristofano
architect - safety inspector
Mara Falanga
engineer - safety inspector - quality standards
Laura Ferro
architect - BIM designer
Sofia Franceschetti
architect - BIM designer
Eleonora Fresa
Nazaria Germani
architect - BIM designer
Marco Giarè
IT manager
Leonardo Iacoacci
construction management assistant
Giulia Invernizzi
architect - designer
Fabio Laino
engineer - construction management assistant
Dario Lembo
architect - design manager
Gianluca Loddo
engineer - safety inspector
Marco Lucidi
engineer - construction management manager - safety inspector
Valentina Lutrario
architect - design manager
Giuliano Magagna
architect - design manager
Emiliano Martucci
architect - design area manager
Pierandrea Mattioli
jr architect - tender office manager
Demetrio Mauro
architect - design
Adriano Palmarini
architect - construction management manager
Paola Patrolecco
Paola Perri
architect - design manager
Annalisa Pilati
architect - design manager
Mauro Puddu
engineer - safety inspector - RSPP
Beatrice Ruggeri
Leyla Spallotta
architect - BIM designer
Eleonora Viola
architect - BIM designer